Coir Flores is a highly concentrated, mineral dense formula to ensure growers are getting great value for money.
Coir Flores is developed specifically to maximise coconut coir grown crop production during flower. Loaded in calcium and magnesium to offset CEC site binding and with an ideal NPK ratio to optimise yields, Coir Flores represents the cutting edge of contemporary knowledge re coir specific crop nutrition.
About Coir Specific Nutrients
Coir substrate particles have negatively charged ‘exchange sites’ which attract and loosely-hold cations.
Cations such as ammonium NH4+, calcium Ca++, magnesium Mg++ and potassium K+ carry a positive charge. As a result, they are attracted to the negatively-charged exchange sites of coir by electrostatic forces.
Exchange sites have a preference for some cations over others. For example, if the cations of Ca, Mg, and K are all present in the solution at the same concentration they will be adsorbed at different levels by coir exchange sites with calcium and magnesium being adsorbed at double the rate of potassium because they both have a double-positive charge, while potassium has a single-positive charge (Ca++, Mg++, K+).
What this means is that coir has a high affinity for locking up/binding some of the calcium and magnesium that is fed to the plants via the hydroponic solution.
This means not all of the calcium and magnesium provided by the nutrient solution is available to the plant because a portion of it is bound by the coir exchange sites.
As a result, a nutrient formulated for coir must contain higher levels of calcium and magnesium than a nutrient formulated for inert substrates such as rockwool, expanded clay and perlite.
One thing that has very much surprised me over the years is the amount of misinformation and disinformation surrounding nutrient sales to coir growers in Australia and elsewhere.
That is, far too many coir growers are being flogged nutrients that were never developed for coir growing.
This means that far too many coir growers are using base nutrients that are lacking in calcium and magnesium; undoubtedly this has resulted in numerous growers providing less than ideal nutrition to their plants.
In turn, this has no doubt resulted in substantial yield losses where the grow culture as a whole is concerned. For what it is worth, if growers are seeking to optimize yields in coir it is imperative that they use a nutrient that was developed specifically for coir growing.
The Med-Tek coir nutrients (Vega and Flores) were developed through years of R&D, working with lab tissue analysis and side-by-side trials to measure growth rates and essential oil production under varying conditions with different brands of coir substrate (perlite/coir mixes and straight coir).
Among the benefits of using Med-Tek Base Nutrients
- Formulas are highly concentrated, meaning growers are getting great value for money (i.e. lower dilution rate to achieve equivalent EC when compared to many/most other brands)
- Formulas are Med Specific with both yield and quality parameters in mind
- Formulas are coconut coir specific. They are high in calcium and magnesium to accommodate for Cal Mag binding by coir exchange sites
- Micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu) are chelated to ensure the highest bioavailability possible
- Ingredients are carefully sourced and tested. No sodium, chloride or urea containing fertilizers are EVER used by Med-Tek
- High level of quality control is applied to ensure batch-to-batch uniformity
- Ongoing collaboration, research and testing ensures Med-Tek remains at the forefront of research and development in Med specific plant nutrition
A + B NPK 5 – 3 – 8
EC when used at a given ml per litre usage rate (all tests carried out in distilled water)
2ml/L – EC is 1.33 mS/cm
3ml/L – EC is 1.9 mS/cm
4ml/L – EC is 2.6 mS/cm
Use in conjunction with Connoisseur Blooms and PK Elicit
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