Introducing Pink Oyster - Aussie Mushroom Kit
Pleurotus Djamor– Pink Oyster – Grow Kit
Very aggressive strain and you'll have a hard time getting it to NOT fruit.
Stunning pink colour. The pink oyster is incredibly easy to grow and is a crowd favourite due to how bountiful and easy each flush is.
Type: choice edible, medicinal usage and compounds, research
Characteristics: Hot Pink coloured fruitbodies
Best Temperature Range: High Low 23-29°C fruiting temperature
NOTE: Store Mushroom Kit in Fridge if not using straight away.
Step 1 Open your Ready-to-grow mushroom kit box and check the label on the bag inside to determine the mushroom species.
Step 2 Are you ready to use the mushroom kit? If the answer is no, place the kit in a cold fridge (1-5 degrees).
Mushrooms can be kept in fridge for up to 8 weeks. Please note, Pink mushroom kits need to be used immediately and cannot be stored in the fridge.
If the answer is yes move on to Step 3
Step 3 Remove mushroom bag from the box and cut out the preferation located on the front of the box (or a squre hole approx 2x2inch).
Place the bag back in the box. (NOTE: If your kit has not come in a box please skip this step and move onto step 4).
Step 4 Using a "clean" sharp knife cut an X through the plastic bag exposing the mushroom substrate, (this is where the mushrooms will fruit from).
Step 5 Mist 1-3 times per day with cooled boiled water or filtered water. Mushrooms can take 2-6 weeks to fruit.
Step 6 Once your mushrooms appear they grow very fast and will be ready within 5-14 days depending on the tempreture.
Harvest them all at once, removing any bits of mushroom left on the block.
Let the block rest for 1-2 weeks before re-starting.
Occasional misting will start the new growth.
When new pins form start misting 1-3 times per day
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