Whether you buck wet or dry, the GC3 bucker will successfully de-stem flower at a rate of 120 pounds (or more) per hour of fully hydrated flowers.
This system also provides unparalleled processing capacity and produces over 10,000 cuts per minute with three 0.25 hp motors.
Bucker Stand Included.
HP refers to “High Performance” and utilizes two rollers that pull the stem into the machine and pop the flowers off.
This allows you to continuously feed the bucker for more efficient de-stemming and results in the industry’s highest buck rate per hour.
Trim wet: 120+ lb / hr. – Trim dry: 24+ lb / hr. – Replaces: 6-9 human trimmers. Specifications:
- Input Voltage – 9 Amp 220 V
- Workers Needed – up to 3
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